What is it?
It is the highest distinction awarded by the Lean Construction Institute Latam to companies and projects that demonstrate the best implementation of the Lean Construction philosophy in their projects.

Recognition as an implementer of the Lean Construction philosophy
Access to the Ibero-American KOBAH Awards
Training in KOBAH excellence models
Dissemination of Success Stories, Lessons Learned and Continuous Improvement
1.1. Lean Construction
Lean Construction, also known as lossless construction, is a construction project management philosophy that focuses on minimizing waste and maximizing efficiency at every stage of the construction process. Inspired by Lean production principles from the automotive industry, Lean Construction seeks to improve quality, reduce costs and shorten lead times.
Lean Construction is based on the following basic principles:
- Waste elimination: identify and eliminate everything that does not add value to the project, from materials to time and effort.
- Process optimisation: continuously improve the efficiency of construction processes and collaboration between project participants.
- Value generation: focus on customer needs and expectations to ensure that a high quality product is delivered.
- Continuous improvement: apply a constant learning and improvement approach to achieve excellence in construction project management.
1.2. LCI MEXICO (Lean Construction Institute MEXICO)
The Lean Construction Institute MEXICO (LCI MEXICO) is a non-profit organization, which operates as a catalyst for the implementation of LEAN in the construction industry, with a uniform management method, using common principles, fundamentals and practices of the philosophy.
In order to raise the professional level and efficiency of the construction sector in Mexico, leading companies come together to promote and create the Lean Construction Institute Mexico LCI MEXICO.
1.3. KOBAH Awards
The KOBAH awards are the highest distinction given to companies and professionals who demonstrate the best implementation of the Lean Construction philosophy and therefore deserve to be recognized as a benchmark at national and international level.
Origin of the KOBAH Awards
In the year 2021, the LCI MEXICO launches the granting of these awards at national level (Mexico) to value the work of people and companies whose impact has been notorious and reference implementing the Lean Construction philosophy.
They take their name to pay homage to the great precursors of the Lean Construction Philosophy:
- Lauri KOskela (Finland).
- Glen Ballard (United States)).
- Luis F. Alarcón (Chile).
- Greg Howell (United States)).
In 2024 the KOBAH awards will be held for the first time in Spain, organized by AEDIP and promoted by PLANNER EXHIBITIONS.
KOBAH Awards Executive Committee
The Executive Committee is the collective body in charge of carrying out, as well as following up and supervising, all decisions approved by the Organizer and Promoter for the achievement of the objectives pursued with the celebration of the Awards.
Its main functions, among others, are:
- Drafting of these rules and regulations.
- Definition of award modalities or categories.
- Search for nominations.
- Providing training to the Group of Evaluators.
- Providing training to the Participants.
- Coordination of Jury meetings.
- Preparation of the list of guests invited to the award ceremony and follow-up.
KOBAH Awards Panel of Evaluators
The evaluation process is carried out by the Group of Evaluators who, in most cases, are part of the companies or projects participating in the Awards. The Group of Evaluators is responsible for issuing an evaluation judgment according to the applicable model and presenting it to the Jury, which is responsible for determining the winners per category.
Its main functions, among others, are
- Documentary Evaluation.
- Evaluation with interviews (online or in person) and/or in the field.
- Delivery of feedback report to the Jury.
- Delivery of feedback report to the Participants.
It is formed by consulting and engineering companies in the construction sector, which consider the “Construction Project Management” as the “most appropriate way to carry out projects in this sector, from its conception to its final delivery to the client, ready for use”.
Planner Exhibitions is a company dedicated to the promotion and organization of national and international trade fairs aimed at the professional and consumer sectors, promoting and developing trade fair initiatives since 1997.
The projects carried out by Planner Exhibitions aim to offer the participating companies a privileged environment for the presentation of their products and services and a direct commercial return by placing within their reach, as visitors, a segmented and qualified demand.
Regulatory Bases
Article 1. Object and purpose
This document establishes the regulatory bases for the KOBAH 2024 awards in Spain, the purpose of which is to recognize those outstanding projects in which the Lean Construction methodology has been applied.
Article 2. Modalities
The KOBAH 2024 Spain awards comprise the following modalities or categories for projects completed or in progress in the last 10 years in Spain that demonstrate the application of Lean Construction techniques
- Small: PEM less than €5MM.
- Medium: PEM between €5MM and €25MM.
- Large: PEM greater than €25MM.
The benefits obtained by the award winners and participants are:
- Recognition as an implementer of the Lean Construction philosophy.
- Training in KOBAH excellence models.
- Dissemination of Successful Cases, Collection of Lessons Learned and Continuous Improvement.
Article 3. Requirements for participants
Projects that meet the following requirements are eligible for the awards:
3.1. Projects completed in the last 10 years in Spain that demonstrate the application of Lean techniques.
3.2. Those projects in the application categories that have been registered in due time and form by means of the corresponding form.
3.3. Each Project will have a representative assigned to the KOBAH Spain Awards regardless of the agents that have participated in the Project.
3.4. An individual or company may have participated in several of the projects presented in any modality or category without this implying any incompatibility.
3.5. For each Project presented, 3 external evaluators will be proposed to the companies participating in the same. These evaluators may or may not form part of the Evaluation Committee in other evaluation processes if the Executive Committee deems it appropriate. In any case, no proposed evaluator may intervene in the category in which the participant is competing.
3.6. Submit their success story and training video by the deadline of October 4, 2024.
3.7. Participation is free of charge except for the travel expenses of the evaluators during the field visit stage. These expenses must be covered by the participants, if applicable.
Article 4. Calendar
4.1. Registration (June – September 2, 2024).
4.2. Training of Participants (September 2 – 6, 2024).
4.3. Delivery of Successful Cases (October 4, 2024).
4.4. Documentary Evaluation (October 2024).
4.5. Field-Virtual Evaluation (October 2024).
4.6. Deliberation (October 2024).
4.7. Feedback Report to the Jury or Executive Committee (October 2024).
4.8. Feedback Report to Participants (October 2024).
4.9. Awards Ceremony (November 14, 2024).
Article 5. Evaluation Process
5.1. Benefits obtained by the evaluator:
- Training in the KOBAH models and evaluation scheme.
- Opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences with experts in Models of Excellence.
- Development of skills for the diagnosis and evaluation of projects and companies.
- Learn about best practices in the construction industry.
- Replicating the best known practices in their field of work.
- Receive certification as an Evaluator.
- Access to the KOBAH Spain 2024 Awards Ceremony.
5.2. The evaluation process is carried out by the Group of Evaluators, who in most cases are part of the companies or projects participating in the Awards. It is their responsibility to make an evaluation judgement according to the model they apply and present it to the Jury, who is responsible for determining the winners per category:
- Formation of the evaluation group.
- Training.
- Team building and case allocation.
- Evaluation.
- Preparation of Report.
- Jury presentation.
- Selection of winners.
5.3. Requirements for Evaluators:
- Have received training.
- Availability of time to evaluate.
- Writing skills.
- Ability to work online.
- Total care and discretion of the information provided.
- Signed code of ethics and confidentiality letter.
5.4. Documentary evaluation:
- Define team work agenda.
- Study and analyze the assigned success case.
- Make a consensual evaluation of what has been analyzed.
- Establish the points to be verified in interviews.
- For each factor we must write down the best practices and areas of opportunity detected.
- According to the score obtained, schedule interviews with the project contacts.
5.5. Evaluation Interviews:
- Conduct interview schedule with support from the project contact.
- Schedule interviews to corroborate data or request missing information in the case of success.
- Update the evaluation with the results obtained in the interviews.
- For each factor we must write the best practices and areas of opportunity detected.
- Close the interviews without giving results or opinions.
- Among the Group of Evaluators issue the judgment.
5.6. Generation of Reports:
- With the results of the evaluations carried out, inform the KOBAH Awards Jury of the judgment issued by the team.
- Must make a presentation to the Jury explaining the reasons why the project deserves to be awarded.
- The feedback report must be generated for the project evaluated independently of the judgment and delivered to the KOBAH Awards Management.
- The feedback report should highlight the best practices and areas of opportunity prevailing even after the interviews, as well as the opinion of the evaluation team. A message inviting improvement is always helpful.
- They should not disclose any information regarding the results obtained from the process.
Article 6. Evaluation Criteria
The Lean Construction Excellence Award model in its project category represents the integration of the main elements that are part of the Lean culture and tools applied to construction, throughout the life cycle of the construction project.
The Lean Excellence Model for Construction Projects is based on the main methodologies proven worldwide with effective results in the different stages of the projects from conception through planning and execution to closure.
6.1. Stages. Pre-Construction: it is essential that all parties are involved at the beginning, since their different interests may be affected by the project; also that the types of contracts to be handled are established, as well as all those agreements and conditions that must be complied with by all parties involved. In this way, the start and end limits are defined, reflecting an adequate approach to the project.
6.1.2. Design: This phase consists of implementing all the necessary mechanisms to give shape to the client’s ideas and ensure the generation of value. An important aspect of this phase, and in order to make the construction stage more efficient, is that the design considers standardized elements, without the designer having to sacrifice his creativity or the functionality of the project.
6.1.3. Planning: In this phase of the model, the project management plan (strategy of attack of the execution of the work), the management plan, the necessary requirements and the creation of the organizational structure in charge of executing the project will be established. Likewise, the different stages into which the project will be divided must be identified and the participation and duration of the activities of the support areas such as purchasing, design, budgets, as well as the management of human resources, communication mechanisms, safety conditions, etc., must be defined.
6.1.4.Supply Chain: The supply chain is one of the most important elements within the projects, since it is necessary to be able to carry out the work in a timely manner. Good management of the supply chain ensures that the resources (material, economic, human, etc.) are available on time and with the quality required by the project, identifying and eliminating waste within the supply chain.
6.1.5.Execution: In this phase, the work is carried out according to the project management plan with the objective of meeting the specifications described in the previous phases.
6.1.6.Closure: in order to formally close the project, this phase consists of the processes necessary to finalize all the activities generated in the previous phases. This phase aims to ensure the delivery of VALUES expected by the client, as well as the documentation of lessons learned and/or case studies.
6.2. Scoring.
6.1.1. Pre-Construction: 100
6.1.4. Supply Chain: 100
6.1.2. Design: 100
6.1.5. Execution: 200
6.1.3. Planning: 200
6.1.6. Closure: 100
Total Score: 800
Article 7. Awarding
The awarded prizes shall be presented at a ceremony organized for this purpose in November 2024.
The concession will have to be motivated, making allusion to the criteria of valuation of the applications, determining the awardees and following scrupulously the process of Evaluation.
The award in each modality or category will consist of the delivery of a trophy as proof of recognition, as well as an image file of the winning project designed on the occasion of the celebration of the Awards.
The beneficiaries will guarantee, as authors of the works and works or participants in the projects, that they hold all intellectual property and industrial property rights.
The awards ceremony will be held at an institutional event convened for this purpose, at which the trophies will be presented, which the beneficiaries will collect in person or through a person expressly authorized by the beneficiary.
Article 8. Compatibility of the awards
These awards shall be compatible with any other awards from any other national, European Union or international public or private administration or entity.
Sponsoring companies may not participate in any modality or category of these awards.
Article 9. Sponsorship
These awards shall admit the sponsorship of interested companies with the purpose of defraying the expenses of the development of the Awards program.
The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the acceptance of such sponsorships, analyzing any type of incompatibility due to the presentation of candidatures.
The sponsorship will entitle to:
a. 2 invitations to attend the program.
b. 1 invitation to the previous meeting exclusively for the Advisory Committee, partners and speakers.
c. Partner’s logo on the event’s website.
d. Mention of the partner’s incorporation in one of the event’s newsletters.
e. Company logo in the hall, lobby and accreditation area.
f. Company logo during the awards ceremony.
g. Awards presentation or presentation of awards (to be confirmed by the executive committee).
Article 10. Information on personal data protection
Data controller: PLANNER EXHIBITIONS, S.L, (CIF B-86616703), with registered office at Plaza del Marqués de Salamanca, 9. 28006 Madrid. Spain. Telephone +34915774797. More information
Purpose: to manage the request made through this form. More information
Legitimacy: to manage the relationship voluntarily established with Planner Exhibitions, S.L. Further information
Recipients: You are informed that your data will be communicated to ASOCIACIÓN ESPAÑOLA DE DIRECCIÓN INTEGRADA DE PROYECTOS (AEDIP), CIF G-82454588 with registered office at Paseo de la Castellana 182, 9º planta, 28046 Madrid, as co-organizer of the KOBAH Awards for which you are registering. No data will be communicated to other third parties, except by legal obligation. More information
Rights: we inform you that you can exercise your rights of access, rectification, deletion, opposition, limitation of processing and portability free of charge by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. For further information, please contact