November 14, 2024    COAM

Lean Construction Forum 2024 Agenda

Accreditation. Networking Coffee
Thursday November 14. 08:30.
    Welcome and presentation of the event
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    Thursday November 14. 09:00-09:10. Auditorium
      Institutional opening
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      Thursday November 14. 09:10-09:30. Auditorium
        The 5 whys of Lean Construction
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        Thursday November 14. 09:30-10:00. Auditorium
        • What is Lean Construction and what principles is it based on?
        • Why apply Lean in design and construction projects?
        • Cost and schedule control and improved coordination
        • What can we learn from other industries that have already integrated the Lean philosophy
        • What professional skills does this new paradigm demand
        From theory to practice. Understanding the techniques without getting lost along the way
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        Thursday November 14. 10:00-10:45. Auditorium
        • Last Planner System
        • 5S
        • Takt-Time
        • Target Value Design
        LPS, 5S, Takt-Time y Target Value Design techniques
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        Thursday November 14. 16:30. Workshop Room
        Industrialization, digitalization, and sustainability: Why is Lean Construction necessary?
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        Thursday November 14. 10:45-11:30. Auditorium
        • The relationship between bim and Lean
        • Sustainability: economic, environmental, and social
        • Lean as a catalyst for industrialized construction
        Networking Coffee
        Thursday November 14. 11:30-12:15.
          Collaborative contract templates
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          Thursday November 14. 10:15. Workshop Room
            The end of ‘against you’: how to align the interests of the agents and put the project at the center
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            Thursday November 14. 12:35-12:55. Auditorium
            • The importance of putting the project at the center
            • Understanding the priorities and needs of each agent
            The team comes first: from early involvement of stakeholders to colocation
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            Thursday November 14. 12:55-13:35. Auditorium
            • The importance of soft-skills in team management
            • Definition of roles and delineation of decision-making areas
              Leadership and other soft-skills
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              Thursday November 14. 13:00. Workshop Room
              Hacking the LOE: how to reconcile shared responsibility with the attribution of responsibilities
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              Thursday November 14. 13:35-14:15. Auditorium
              • Legal barriers to the implementation of the Lean philosophy
              • Alternatives within the current regulations
              • Possible modifications to the law
              Networking Lunch
              Thursday November 14. 14:15-15:30.
                International case of Lean application
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                Thursday November 14. 15:30-15:50. Auditorium
                  Project Management and Lean
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                  Thursday November 14. 15:30. Workshop Room
                  International case of IPD application
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                  Thursday November 14. 15:50-16:10. Auditorium
                    Spanish case of Lean application
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                    Thursday November 14. 16:10-16:30. Auditorium
                    Spanish case of IPD application
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                    Thursday November 14. 16:30-16:50. Auditorium
                      Workshop (TBC)
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                      Thursday November 14. 16:30-17:30. Workshop Room
                        Colloquium: experiences in the implementation of IPD and Lean
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                        Thursday November 14. 16:50-17:35. Auditorium
                        Closing Ceremony
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                        Thursday November 14. 17:35-18:15. Auditorium
                          Award Ceremony
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                          Thursday November 14. 18:15-19:00. Auditorium
                            Afterwork: networking
                            Thursday November 14. 19:00-20:00.
                              End of the Day
                              Thursday November 14. 20:00.

                                (*) Agenda subject to change

                                Simultaneous translation available (Spanish > English) with on-screen subtitles thanks to AI technology


                                Lean Construction Forum Partners