Accreditation. Networking Coffee
Welcome and presentation of the event Leer más
Institutional opening Leer más
The 5 whys of Lean Construction Leer más
- What is Lean Construction and what principles is it based on?
- Why apply Lean in design and construction projects?
- Cost and schedule control and improved coordination
- What can we learn from other industries that have already integrated the Lean philosophy
- What professional skills does this new paradigm demand
From theory to practice. Understanding the techniques without getting lost along the way Leer más
- Last Planner System
- 5S
- Takt-Time
- Target Value Design
LPS, 5S, Takt-Time y Target Value Design techniques Leer más
Industrialization, digitalization, and sustainability: Why is Lean Construction necessary? Leer más
- The relationship between bim and Lean
- Sustainability: economic, environmental, and social
- Lean as a catalyst for industrialized construction
Networking Coffee
Collaborative contract templates Leer más
The end of ‘against you’: how to align the interests of the agents and put the project at the center Leer más
- The importance of putting the project at the center
- Understanding the priorities and needs of each agent
The team comes first: from early involvement of stakeholders to colocation Leer más
- The importance of soft-skills in team management
- Definition of roles and delineation of decision-making areas
Leadership and other soft-skills Leer más
Hacking the LOE: how to reconcile shared responsibility with the attribution of responsibilities Leer más
- Legal barriers to the implementation of the Lean philosophy
- Alternatives within the current regulations
- Possible modifications to the law
Networking Lunch
International case of Lean application Leer más
Project Management and Lean Leer más
International case of IPD application Leer más
Spanish case of Lean application Leer más
Spanish case of IPD application Leer más
Workshop (TBC) Leer más
Colloquium: experiences in the implementation of IPD and Lean Leer más
Closing Ceremony Leer más
Award Ceremony Leer más
Afterwork: networking
End of the Day
(*) Agenda subject to change
Simultaneous translation available (Spanish > English) with on-screen subtitles thanks to AI technology
Lean Construction Forum Partners
Bronze Partner
NGO Partner