Accreditation. Networking Coffee
Welcome and opening of the event Leer más
Current situation of the rental market: key trends and perspectives Leer más
- Analysis of current trends in the rental market.
- Economic and social factors shaping the sector.
- Future outlook and short- to medium-term predictions
The rules of the game in the rental sector. Updates on regulation and taxation Leer más
- Flexibility and changes in use: what could be the impact on production?
- Temporary and room rentals
- Possibilities for improving taxation for investors and owners
- Other regulations and proposals in the sector
Investment and rental. How to attract more international investment in rental Leer más
- Is international investment really necessary?
- What type of institutional investors invest/would invest in Spain?
- Is it possible to quantify the necessary investment?
How to make public-private partnership contests for rental housing work Leer más
- Interest rates, availability of financing, construction costs
- Price of the module
- Parameters and financial models of the specifications
- Case studies
Networking Coffee
Shaping a financially viable BTR offer Leer más
- Product definition adapted to demand
- Construction industrialization
- Maintenance needs and costs
BTR for free rental: offer and investment Leer más
- State of investment and main investors
- Evolution of deliveries and project pipeline
- Corporate and portfolio operations
- First-tier cities and mid-sized cities
Networking Lunch
Asset management strategies and models Leer más
Demands of the sector to public administrations Leer más
Perspectives for public funding: from the Next Generation to the “european affordable housing plan Leer más
- European funds and national budgets
- The role of the EIB and the ICO
- Other public instruments
Afterwork: networking
End of the day
(*) Agenda subject to change
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